Car #477
Minter Ultimate 1957 “F” Factory Supercharged Thunderbird
Sale Pending
- ONE of ONLY 9 F Series Produced in the Late Gun Metal Gray Color
- Odometer 00049 miles since Concours MINTER RESTORATION
- Sold New at Klen Ford Motor of Los Angeles, CA invoiced 11-23-57
- Invoiced adjust4ed January 2, 1958
- 1957 Ford Factory Invoice Copy to Document Originality
- Owned and cared for by Amos Minter for more than 30 Years
- 312-4V Supercharged Engine
- Ford-o-Matic Automatic 3 Speed Transmission
- Master Guide Power Steering
- Fords Swift-Sure Power Brakes
- See-Clear Windshield Washer System
- Town & country Signal Seeking Radio
- Fords Accessory Back up Light System
- Best Quality Real Thunderbird Wire Wheels
- 5 Firestone Deluxe Champion Wide White Walls
- THIS SPECIAL F7FH Supercharged T-Bird can be the: Excellent Opportunity to own a RARE Crown Jewel from Ford Motor Company
Get In Touch
(972) 931-3357 MAIN
(214) 683-8574 CELL
(214) 683-8574 CELL
Amos and Justin Minter’s Thunderbirds 55-57
17730 Davenport Road
Dallas, TX 75252
Appointments Preferred
Check or Wire Transfer